Mental Health

People with Mental Health Difficulties are stigmatized within the society
Following on from the introduction of people with mental health being supported to live in the community, it is important that individual with Mental Health Difficulties are treated equally as other members of the society and not discriminated against. They must be offered after care affording them the same housing and other community opportunities
At KEMKARE we pride our service on inclusion and ensuring that vulnerable people receive good quality care, support and accommodation which promote recovery and safety in the community.
People who suffer from Mental Health issues are given the opportunity based on their ability to participate in mainstream activities such as employment, education, leisure alongside this promote good access to medical and after care in maintaining a stable mental health
At KEMKARE we work in partnership with different professionals to promote well being.
COVID 19- We take our responsibility for our clients and staff seriously in relation to their mental health especially for those who may be isolating. We take steps to signpost clients and staff to appropriate supportive organisations such as MIND to enable them to seek necessary counselling/ advice about their feelings and mental wellbeing.
Please contact KEMKARE on 0203 / 07960536386 to find out more.