Should you have complex care requirements, such as support with administering complex medication or health condition we can provide the support of highly skilled and dedicated healthcare professionals, with specific skills, tailored to meet your complex requirements.
Dementia/ Elderly Care
At KEMKARE we are able to meet the needs of your loved one who may be experiencing on-set or Progressive Dementia. Skilled staff are able to anticipate needs, reduce associated risks, and work in partnership with families and other agencies in ensuring safety for the client.
Eating disorders
KEMKARE provides specialist trained health care assistants to care for individuals who may suffer from eating disorder condition with adequate nutrition/ fluid intake, measuring weight consistently, recording appropriately as agreed in person-centered care plan, anticipate risks, work with specialist eating disorder Nurses and other specialist professionals to ensure adequate support and prevention to reduce risk this client group may pose to self. Staff can help to seek appropriate timely help and support as well as offer emotional support.
Physical disabilities- Staff at KEMKARE are aware about possible isolation people with physical disability or other disability may face. Specialist Health care assistants are available to support individuals with appropriate transfers, personal care, escort to attend day centers/ social activities, recommended physiotherapy that improve muscle tone, Reablement strategies that will help promote independence and improve quality of life.
Beriatric Care
We provide Health care assistants with specialist training to care for individuals following post- operative surgery and to support them in their recovery. Our service is flexible for those who may require 3 to 4 carers to help with Personal Care, pressure relief and meet day to day needs in their home.
Colostomy/Stoma Care
Staff possess skills in managing stoma care either following a surgery or where need is on-going. Staff offer emotional and physical support as well as utilize enabling skills to enable the individual promote independence. Care is offered with dignity in your home at all times.
Catheter Care
AT KEMKARE we offer Catheter care either during recovery or on a more long term basis. Staff are trained ensure appropriate use of bag for day or night or as recommended, ensure they encourage adequate fluid intake and recording to reduce associated risk infection through good hygiene care. Staff are skilled at ensuring regular change of tubes as identified in care plan. We work in partnership with District Nurses etc to ensure continuity of good care.
Tracheostomy Care
Specialist Health care assistants are available in KEMKARE to carry out care and support in managing this skilled care and in use of Suction Equipment as well as following Suctioning Care plan that is non –invasive and adequately meets the need of the individual in ensuring their dignity.
PEG Feed/ Medication
We have trained and ded staff who care for individuals whose nutritional and medication administration needs are complex, requiring specialist pump machines to gauge calorific intake, reduce risk of overload, support individual to maintain adequate weight gain and apply Bolus feeds or medication administration. Staff ensure appropriate recording is in place in this process and work with community professionals to ensure good care and management.
Diabetes Monitoring
Diabetes depending on the type and severity can be very erratic and pose a risk to the individual if not adequately managed at all times.
Staff at KEMKARE have been trained to undertake blood glucose testing and monitoring, administer medication and insulin to those dependent on it at the right time and right dose. We work in conjunction with Community District Nurses and GP to ensure good practice and safety.
Complex Care packages
Individuals may experience a combination of health and social care issues that may require a multi-faceted approach to their care. Our Specialist health Care assistants bridge the gap to meet these needs for those who need these intensive level of care in their homes. These may include individuals with chronic respiratory problems, clients who use oxygen, CPAP or Concentrator Therapies etc. Our staff are available to offer complex care packages in partnership with health and social care professionals in the community.
Pressure Area Care
Staff in KEMKARE are proactive in maintaining skin integrity for individuals who may be vulnerable to this condition due to their complex health needs. Staff offer proficient skin pressure care for people who may be immobile or bed bound who the profiling mattress may not be sufficient to ensure that their skin remains intact. Staff at KEMKARE are trained to ensure preventive practices through regular repositioning of all pressure areas, support individual with different level of pressure sore to maintain good hygiene, healing and recovery process by ensuring adequate application of barrier solutions, maintain dressings, record risks and seek timely intervention where risk is indicated as high.
Please contact Kemkare on 0203-9227875 to find out more.