When admitted to hospital, you may look forward to returning to your own home, to recuperate in the place where you feel most comfortable and relaxed. With increased care requirements, you may fear that you will not be able to go home, and instead will need to move in to a nursing or residential home.
Our hospital to home or Reablement service can enable you to return home after a stay in hospital, we can help you to settle back in to your familiar surroundings.
Whether you require a high level of care, or just some support with activities of daily living during your recuperation period, we can provide a Healthcare Assistant or Support Worker to assist you.
You may ask -Is this service the right one for me?
Our high quality hospital to home service is most suited to an individual who is:
Currently an in-patient in hospital, wishing to return home immediately after being discharged
Due to be admitted to hospital and will require support after they have been discharged
In need of practical help or advice about returning home after leaving hospital
Already at home and in need of extra support following a recent stay in hospital or needing ongoing long term care at home.
Whatever your circumstance, we can offer flexible service tailored to meet your individual needs
Person-Centered Assessment of Your Need
Sometimes people may not have received care before and may be anxious. To reduce the anxiety and to ensure you get the right care and support our professional Health and Social Care coordinators will meet with you and your family as well as professionals involved in your care. This often helps you to understand how we will meet your care needs and keep you safe at home, enables you to understand what to expect from the service and to draw up an agreed care plan with you.
Post-Operative Care
Our post-operative care is usually planned in advance of your hospital admission. This ensures that every element of your care package is organised to commence from the moment that you are discharged from hospital.
As part of our hospital to home service, we will support you with your transport from home to hospital if you require follow up care in hospital.We can support you or your family member to arrange for suitable hospital transport/ taxi to enable you attend your appointments. Our Healthcare Assistant or Support Worker can provide escort service to attend your appointments if you so wish, we can meet you at the hospital and, where required, can organise transport on your behalf.
We can liaise with the hospital Discharge or Occupational Therapy teams to ensure that any required equipment has been installed in your home, for example hoisting equipment, adequate walking frames which has been assessed to meet your mobility needs. In addition, we will ensure that a full risk assessment is carried out in your home to make sure it is completely safe for your return.
Our service is tailored to meet your individual requirements. Should you have any specific care needs, we can ensure that your Carers have received bespoke training in preparation for your discharge from hospital.
Emergency Response
We understand that hospitals are not always able to give substantial notice before arranging your discharge. Should you need us to respond quickly, our service can often commence within 12 to 24 hours of your initial enquiry. Our Care at Home Team can liaise and work closely with your G.P, hospital Doctors, Occupational Therapists, Dietecians, Nurses, Discharge Teams and Social Workers to ensure you have a smooth transition from hospital to home.
In addition to this we run a 24 hour on call system that will respond to your needs at short notice and round the clock.
Please contact Kemkare on 0203-9227875 to find out more.